Your How-To Guides for Sustainable Agriculture & Rural Living

Welcome to this virtual library of Best Management Practices books, booklets and infosheets.

The award-winning BMP series was designed to help Ontario farmers and rural landowners find the best options for managing soil, water and natural areas on their properties. If you’re a student or simply want to learn more, there’s lots here for you too.

This website contains all the BMP titles, and is designed to make it easy to find the information you seek. 

But first, what is a best management practice or BMP? It’s a proven, practical approach that will:

  • protect and improve soil and water quality
  • boost productivity and efficiency
  • be economically viable

The many benefits of BMPs reach past the farmgate and property line – to local communities, the agricultural sector, society at large, and future generations.

BMP publications range from infosheets to in-depth booklets. For each topic you’ll learn more about the roots of a problem (e.g., cropland erosion) and find a range of BMP options from which to choose the right solutions for your property and goals. 

All BMP publications were team efforts by dedicated farm organizations, subject matter experts, government advisory staff and industry professionals. We thank them for their hard work.

To learn how to use this site, click here.

For a complete title list, click here.

To order your copy, click here.

Disclaimer: The content of BMP products was true and accurate at time of publication. Content has not been updated post-publication to reflect regulatory or other changes. Readers are asked to consult professional advisors as necessary concerning specific matters before making decisions.  

BMPs Benefit Everyone

For farmers

Farmers use BMPs to promote cropland soil fertility and health, minimize costly inputs, manage soil moisture, and prevent runoff from reaching vital water resources.

The information here is the real deal – reviewed and approved by your peers.

It will help you see the big picture, create long-term plans, and sharpen day-to-day decision-making.

Putting BMPs to work also demonstrates stewardship to your neighbours and the greater food-buying public.

For rural landowners

If you’re interested in trees and woodlots, wetlands, streams, fish and wildlife habitat, green energy, or how your water well works, this site is a great resource.

Get a deeper understanding of your property and discover opportunities for improvements according to your goals and interests.

For students, educators, industry advisors, agency staff and more

We also have lots to offer students of agriculture, industry advisors, educators, and local agency and municipal staff.

To learn how to use this site, click here.