GMP How to Develop Your Plan
In publication: Streamside Grazing
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Select Chapter from Table of Contents
- Glossary
- Introduction
- Riparian Areas …2
- The Grazing Management Planning Process …7
- About This Book …9
- Principles and Practices
- Types of Riparian Areas …10
- Environmental Implications of Grazed Riparian Areas …19
- A Systems Approach to Riparian Grazing …22
- Riparian Pasture Management …24
- Riparian Grazing Systems …32
- Crossings …57
- Alternative Watering Systems …58
- Shade, Shelter and Feeding …60
- BMPs for Water Quality and Habitat …61
- GMP How to Develop Your Plan
- 8-Step Overview …63
- Step 1. Set Goals
- Step 2. Conduct an Inventory of Streamside-Grazing Area
- Physical Features …68
- Management Features …70
- Step 3. Conduct a Risk Assessment
- Management Practices …78
- Sensitivity of Riparian Area …83
- Step 4. Determine Forage Requirements
- Step 5. Analyze, Interpret, And Select A Management System
- Paddock Size and Layout …89
- Fence Design and Layout …93
- Water System Design and Layout …93
- The Workbook