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Managing Crop Nutrients
Select Chapter from Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Using a Systems Approach to Manage Crop Nutrients …2
- Saving on Inputs …4
- Nutrients and the Environment
- Phosphorus (P) and Water Quality …5
- Nitrogen (N) and Water Quality …9
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Crop Nutrients …11
- Organic Crop Nutrients and Pathogens …13
- Organic Crop Nutrients and Air Quality …14
- Energy Use …15
- Understanding the Basics
- What are Nutrients? …16
- The Nutrient Cycle …18
- Nutrients in Soils and Plants …25
- Nutrient Deficiency and Toxicity …34
- Soil Acidity and Liming …35
- Sources of Nutrients
- Nutrient Terminologyn …39
- Mineral Fertilizers …40
- Organic Sources …44
- Non-Agricultural Source Materials (Nasms) …50
- Nutrient Management Planning in ten Steps
- BMPs for Determining What Nutrients You Need
- Testing for Nutrients and Interpreting Test Results …56
- Soil Testing …56
- Approaches to Making Fertilizer Recommendations …66
- Tissue Testing …71
- Manure Testing …73
- BMPs for Applying Nutrients
- Nutrient Use Efficiency (Nue) …78
- Right Rate …80
- Right Time …85
- Right Place …92
- And Now It’s Up to You …104